Quilt, 1988
Cotton and polyester.
Made by Merlene Byars
Donated by John Ferrell
For decades students have adorned their living spaces with Gamecock paraphernalia to indicate their pride in the University.
The Student Body Today
In the 21st century, women are an essential part of UofSC. Female-centered organizations focused on the arts, sports, service, advocacy, and professional development are vital to the collegiate community and are expanding to include ever-greater numbers. Moreover, the Women in Leadership housing community empowers “female students interested in developing their leadership skills to pursue leadership positions.”
Tremendous progress has been made in recognizing and encouraging the gifts of women at UofSC. Some work yet remains, for example, the inclusion of more women on the Board of Trustees, the naming of more buildings in honor of female South Carolinians, and an increased number of female students of color.