Beanie, 1961
Gift of Anna Loadholt
From the early decades of the 20th century, college freshman, both male and female, were required to wear what was commonly referred to as a “rat cap” at all times. Wearing the cap was a part of an indoctrination ritual reinforcing the class hierarchy of freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. Some consider “ratting” a form of hazing. Others suggest that the caps proved useful for upperclassmen to identify new students, introduce themselves and their peers, as a way of welcoming them to campus. At UofSC, the incoming class of 1973 was the last group of students made to wear the cap.
Co-Ed Expectations
Until the 1970s, UofSC had strict gender expectations for female students, but co-eds regularly and consistently pushed back.
The Carolina Co-ed Code, a booklet given to all female students, detailed dos and don’ts, including a curfew. If co-eds were not in their dorms on time, dorm mothers could, at their discretion, dole out further restrictions. The Student Senate failed to pass a 1964 proposal to allow co-eds up to 15 cumulative minutes of tardiness per semester. In response, co-eds created the Review Committee, a judicial council composed of student leaders from all-girl dorms “with the sole purpose in mind of reviewing [curfew] cases brought before it concerning unfair or hasty restrictions imposed.” However, the curfew remained.
Additionally, co-eds were to dress in a “lady-like” manner in skirts and dresses. In 1967, The Gamecock proclaimed, “Co-eds Wearing Slacks Arouses Campus Storm,” criticizing pants as “too casual” and “not appropriate.” However, that same year, many co-eds demanded more lenient rules, so by 1968, co-eds won the right to wear pants in public.
Co-eds persisted until UofSC eliminated the dress code and curfews by 1972. Today, all students are held to Carolina Creed standards instead of separate gender-based rules.